NASCLA Participating States

Click the link to your state that from the NASCLA Participating States list. Our articles are designed to help you begin your research about your state’s contractor license. 

About States That Accept The NASCLA

The NASCLA Exam is accepted as the trades exam in 16 different states and the US Virgin Islands. NASCLA participating states accept the exam for a commercial and residential licenses. However, some NASCLA participating states accept this exam for a commercial license only. It is important to do your research before applying for the NASCLA exam. In the above list click the state that you have interested for getting your contractor’s license in. The linked articles will get you started on your research in your state. 

The NASCLA Exam is a popular trades exam due to the reciprocity that it has. Being accepted in numerous states makes it appealing to future contractors. This way it is easier to grow your business to different states without taking a contractor licensing exam for each state. Once you pass the NASCLA Exam you will take the Business and Law exam for the state that you desire to obtain your license in. Each state has a different Business and Law exam or course design to familiarize future contractors with the state specific rules and regulations. Once you pass the NASCLA Exam, Business and Law Exam, and get your application approved you will get your general contractor’s license! 

If you are planning to operate your business as a sole proprietor you will fill out the application as yourself. If you are planning to operator you business as an LLC, corporation, or other form of entity you will complete the application as that entity. Your entity will be the “licensee” and you will be the test taker or “qualifier”. 

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