How many attempts do I get on the NASCLA practice exam?
You will get two (2) attempts on our practice exam
Is this exam timed?
Our NASCLA practice exam is timed (5-1/2 hours) just as the real exam
Can you skip from question to question on the NASCLA practice exam?
You may skip from question to question just as you can on the real exam. You do not have to answer each question in order. Our layout is slightly different than the real exam, but you may skip questions on both our practice exam and the real exam.
Is the NASCLA exam open book?
Yes, the NASCLA exam is open book. We encourage you to use each book on our NASCLA practice exam. In fact, we encourage you to FIND each answer in your books even if you know the answer on our practice exam. On the real exam, go ahead and answer any questions that you know without looking through the books to save time. However, we encourage you to navigate through the books. FINDING each answer will greatly benefit you.
What is the passing grade?
We will not sugar coat this, the NASCLA exam is a VERY CHALLENGING exam. The passing grade is a 70%. We recommend getting a 90% and above on practice exams before taking the test. This will give you more confidence going into the testing center and help you ease your mind.
Is an answer key included?
Yes, the package includes an answer key so that you can review all of your answers after taking the exam.
We randomly sort the questions on this practice exam, so that he second time around it is in a different order. Therefore the order of the exam may not match the question bank. To find the question in the answer bank, simply press CTRL+F then begin searching the question that you are looking for the answer to.
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