How to Get a Contractors License in Tennessee

  • Take the NASCLA Exam
  • Take the Business and Law Exam
  • Exam Scores
  • Financial Statement and Worksheet for Determining Monetary Limit
  • Letter of Reference
  • Insurance Requirements
  • Statement of Experience
  • Contractor’s Affidavit
  • Citizenship Status


The NASCLA exam is 125 questions (only 115 questions count). You must get at least 81 of the 115 questions correct to pass with a 70% passing score. There are 23 books on this open book exam, so knowledge of each and every book is the most important aspect of this exam. Being able to efficiently navigate the books is important on this 5-1/2-hour exam. The allotted time to complete this exam may seem like a lot, however navigating 23 books is quite time consuming. Coming prepared is a must.

Construction tool belt with a hammer and pliers in it
Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash

The Business and Law Exam

We do not offer a course or testing material for the Business and Law Exam. There are several reasons for this. The Business and Law book that is on the NASCLA exam has a lot of the same information as the Business and Law book that is on this exam. So, if you have already studied for and passed the NASCLA exam, you are well on your way to passing this exam. Also, being a single book, open book exam, we have confidence that after a few weeks of studying on your own you will be able to efficiently navigate this book.

Financial Statement

Reference Letter

The Letter of Reference is a requirement for all applicants. This letter is completed by a past client or employer, who will comment on your construction work and experience. You may also have a code official who has inspected your work be the reference. Please note the reference should not be from an employee or relative, but does not need to be a Tennessee resident. You only need to submit one reference letter with your application. The letter layout is part of the application PDF.

Proof of Insurance

A certificate of insurance is a requirement to apply for your Tennessee contractors license. The COI will need to include policy numbers, expiration dates, and the “Board for Licensing Contractors” with address or email address listed as the “Certificate Holder”. The COI will be an attachment to the application and the board states to not send in the COI separately.

The minimum amounts of general liability for three license levels are as follows:

  1. Monetary limit up to $500,000 = $100,000 of minimum coverage
  2. Monetary limit of $501,000 to $1,500,000 = $500,000 of minimum coverage
  3. Monetary limit exceeding $1,500,001 to Unlimited = $1,000,000 of minimum coverage

Workers compensation insurance is a requirement for contractors applying for a license unless the contractor does not have any employees and the contractor has met the criteria to be exempt by claiming “Handyman Exemption”. However, with the NASCLA/Business and Law strategy discussed in this article, you will be applying for a commercial contractor license. You would not fall under the “Handyman Exemption” status.

Skyline with construction cranes
Photo by EJ Yao on Unsplash

List of Experience

The List of Experience form will be part of your license application. The board uses this experience form to help determine the monetary limit and classification for the license. You may list projects performed as a prime contractor, subcontractor, or as an employee of a contractor and may include out of state projects. If you list projects in an amount that would require a license in Tennessee, you should provide an explanation to avoid delay in your application.

The Contractor’s Affidavit

In each application, the responsible party should complete the contractor’s affidavit. This is a list of questions that you must answer truthfully. Here you will note what type of entity you are. Also, if any of the owners, officers, qualifying agents, or major stockholders of the entity have been convicted of a felony. After answering the list of questions each owner, qualifying agent, partner, major officers, and controlling stock holders will need to sign this form.


We recommend the NASCLA and Business and Law exams if you wish to get your commercial Tennessee contractors license. This is due to the reciprocity that it has, and the possibility that it gives you to do high monetary values of work. If you wish to get your residential license, that is a different exam. However, the 9 books on the residential exam are currently all part of the 24 books on the NASCLA/Business and Law exams. So, if you can pass the NASCLA and Business and Law exam, there is a good chance you can pass the BC-A Residential Contractor exam.

The Tennessee contractors application may seem like a tough endeavor, it is worth the studying and organization to get started on your license. It will take focus and consistency to pass both exams and complete the application. There are so many benefits to having your Tennessee contractors license. We hope this article was able to give you a better understanding of how to obtain your Tennessee commercial contractor license. Good luck!

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