General Contractor Blog

The General Contractor Blog is aimed to give our students a better understanding of generic topics about a general contractor. This blog covers topics ranging from insurance for general contractors to how much money can general contractors make. While is an online course to help students pass the NASCLA exam, we also want to provide some helpful information that students may have questions on.

Having an understanding of how the industry operates will help you be more successful. The General Contractor Blog will bring you some helpful information and start your research on important topics. 

For example, one of our blogs touches on general liability insurance for general contractors. proper insurance requirements as a contractor is critical to your protection and success. While we are not insurance professionals, our General Contractor Blog will get you thinking about the coverage you may need. Contact an insurance professional to begin those conversations. 

On the other end, we have a blog about making money as a general contractor. Understanding how to price jobs and make money as a contractor is also critical to the success of your business. Every contractor has their own way of pricing projects. Establishing your’s will help you get on your feet after passing your exams. 

PASSTHENASCLAEXAM.COM provides you with the tools that you need to pass the NASCLA exam on the first attempt. Our course offers tutorial videos, study guides, quizzes, and practice final exams to get you prepared. We also offer printed book tabs and an individual practice exam. YES! You are allowed to tab your books on the NASCLA exam. 

The NASCLA exam is accepted in multiple states and has great reciprocity. 

Fill out our contact form or email to speak with a representative from our sales team. 

General Contractor

construction cost-plus contract

What is a Cost-Plus Contract in Construction?

In the realm of construction projects, various types of contracts govern the relationship between owners…
insurance policy, general liability insurance for contractors

General Liability Insurance for Contractors

Understanding General Liability Insurance for General Contractors When it comes to the construction industry, general…
commercial construction, concrete column

General Contractor Services: A Guide to Quality Service

Introduction Embarking on a construction project can be a daunting task, whether it’s a residential…
Construction cranes, skyscraper buildings

All About a General Commercial Contractor

Introduction In the dynamic world of construction, commercial projects play a significant role in shaping…
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How Much Money Do Contractors Make

Many people wanting to go into business on their own wonder “How much do contractors…
construction worker, safety wear

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