Books on the NASCLA Exam
There are many questions our students have when it comes to the books on the NASCLA exam. The most important thing to do is make sure you review the NASCLA candidate information bulletin. Use this bulletin to ensure that you have or are going to purchase the most up to date books that the exam will test you on.
Students also ask about us selling a book bundle. Unfortunately at this time does not offer a book bundle. This is because we found the book bundle to be a more expensive option than purchasing them from sources such as Amazon. We decided to provide a NASCLA Books page with links to each book. This is a more economical approach for our students to purchase their books on the NASLCA exam. It is important to still do the research on the candidate information bulletin to ensure that the links are to up to date books. Amazon sellers can update their products at any time.
You are allowed to highlight and tab pages in your NASCLA books. It is encouraged to do so, as navigating this many pages is challenging. Having the tabs to be able to go directly to a section in one of the books is helpful and will save you significant time.
Enjoy our articles about the NASCLA exam books! Having a good understanding on some of the key books will help your studying go even better. As always, feel free to reach out to our team if you have any questions.